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Land a sales job at a top tech company

60,000€ starting salaries
Get hired in 30 days
No tech experience required
Business solutions
a group of people with different facial expressions
More than 500 people have found a job through hyrise
Katharina Freise

Katharina F. found a new position as a BDR In 4 weeks.

Abdussamed Kuru

Abdussamed found a new position as an SDR in less than 3 weeks.

Sami Al Kass

Sami A. found a new position as an SDR in less than 3 weeks.

a group of people standing next to each other

Over  500 happy people working at top tech companies

Kevin Steiger
Marie Hein
Anna Siegert
Kazia Arce-Vogel
Sami Al Kass
Martin Haase
Sofia Eichholt
Lena Spies
Melanie Krebs
Andrew Absolon
Ernest Krychmar
Dennis Finimiento


How it works

Apply now and start interviews with over 100 technology companies. As soon as you start working, you will receive two months of on-the-job training.

60,000€ starting salary
Get hired in 30 days
No technical experience required

Step 1

Apply online

Complete our 5 minute appliation form and find out if you're a good fit for our program.

a woman in a yellow shirt and a man in a yellow shirt

Step 2

Quick chat & Prep

Meet your personal advisor, craft a great CV ad get ready for interviews.

Step 3

Interview & get hired

Begin interviewing with companies with support from our team throughout the whole process.

Learning Platform of Hyrise

Step 4

On-the-job training

Congratulations on your new role! As soon as you start working, you will receive two months of on-the-job training.

3 reasons to choose hyrise

We'll help you find a great job in tech sales, regardless of your background. 100% free of charge.

Permanent contracts at top tech companies

No internship positions. We only offer full-time, permanent contracts at companies with strong cultures and growth opportunities.

a bunch of different types of logos on a white background

A rewarding career path

Tech sales sets you up for a fantastic future, with endless growth opportunities. Salaries start at 60.000€ and go up into 200.000€+ for experienced senior positions.

60k starting Salary

Support every step of the way

You will work with a personal advisor throughout the application and interview process, and receive 2 months of complimentary training once you are hired.

Earn up to 60,000€
Get hired in 30 days
No technical experience required

Over 500 happy people placed at top tech companies

Abdussamed Kuru
Katharina Freise
Sami Al Kass
Abdussamed Kuru
Job as SDR at LeanIX

“Hyrise's preparation for the job interviews was definitely a game changer. I learned exactly what companies are looking for in an applicant, which enabled me to prepare myself optimally for these interviews.”

2 weeks

Time until employment


salary increase
Learn more
Katharina Freise
Job as a Business Development Representative at GAIA

“I'm incredibly happy in my new position, now the time really flies when I'm working.”

1 month

Time until employment


Salary increase
Learn more
Sami Al Kass
Job as Growth Consultant Manager at Troi

“I love the fact that technology sales is about the more effort you put in, the more you win, which motivates you to constantly improve your sales strategy. That makes the job very dynamic and fun.”

3 weeks

Time until employment


salary increase
Learn more
Earn up to 60,000€
Get hired in 30 days
No technical experience required

Is a career in tech sales for you?

HYRISE checklist

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3 reasons to work in tech sales

A fulfilling career path

Technical sales are about helping people solve problems. Fun jobs in a dynamic, flexible environment with great growth potential.

You don't need any experience

Good sellers come from different backgrounds. Companies are more likely to look for hungry, motivated people than for a degree.

You'll grow fast

Selling technology is meritocratic. If you perform, you'll grow — and fast. You'll never worry about job security again.

The best path to your dream job

Most options are expensive and time-consuming. We help you find a job quickly and 100% free of charge.

in comparison
Time to get a job
Job guarantee
1:1 support
Training in the workplace
< 30 days
(paid by the employers)


1 - 12 months
Depends on the platform


3-12 months
Zeit, einen Job zu bekommen
< 30 Tage
1-12 Monate
1-12 Monate
1:1 -Unterstützung
Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
Zeit, einen Job zu bekommen
< 30 Tage
Hängt von der Plattform ab
6.000 €+
Earn up to 60,000€
Get hired in 30 days
No technical experience required

Is it really free?

Yes, our mission is to get as many people into fulfilling careers as possible. Our hiring partners pay a fee upon hire, and the service remains 100% free for candidates like you.

Do I need previous experience to apply?

No, you don't need any specific previous experience. Our psychologists are qualified experts with experience in clinical psychology, group therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. You can find out more about our team on the "About us" page on our website.

Which roles are you offering?

If you have little previous experience, the most common entry-level position in technical sales is that of Sales Development Representatives (SDR) or the Business Development Representatives (BDR).

SDRs/BDRs focus on generating potential customers (leads) and qualifying them (ensuring they have the potential to become customers). The exact activities vary by company and industry, but generally include acquisition activities and conducting requirements analysis.

The next step up the career ladder in technical sales is usually to get a Account Executive (AE) to become. AEs will generally engage in less outreach and acquisition, but will continuously communicate with customers to support them right through to completion.

What salary can I expect?

It depends on your experience and background. The average OTE (On-Target Earnings) salary for a junior newcomer as an SDR or BDR in Germany is €50,000. Career development in technical sales is performance-oriented and fast, so depending on your performance, you can quickly get promoted and improve your salary.

Do we offer remote work options?

It depends on each company! Most of our partners are in Germany, and some prefer office work while others offer remote options. In general, the industry is fairly flexible.

How long does it take to find a job?

On average, our candidates usually find a job between 3 and 5 weeks. Wie lange es dauert, bis man einen Job findet, hängt natürlich von jedem Einzelnen ab und von der Hingabe und dem Engagement, das man in die Stellensuche steckt.

What type of company can I work for?

The companies that hire technology sales teams are very diverse. They will usually be companies that sell some type of software to other companies. You can work in almost any industry, from companies that offer healthcare solutions like Doctolib to companies that work in the food industry like Choco, or Hubspot, which offers a CRM platform.

Need more examples? Here are a few other companies to give you a better idea (we don't necessarily work with all of these partners): Salesforce, Google, Amazon, Zoom, Twilio, Dropbox, Asana, Highspot, Carta...

What does the process look like?

Fill out our application form: Fill out our 10-minute form and answer a few basic questions about yourself and your motivation.

Screening interview: If you meet our criteria, you'll have a conversation with our team to get to know you, join the program, and answer any questions you may have.

Preparation: Once you've been selected, you'll complete our technical sales crash course and job interviews and take part in one of our individual coaching sessions. You will learn the basics of technical sales, how to create an impressive profile for employers and how to master your job interviews.

Conduct job interviews and get a job: As soon as your profile is ready, you will start application processes with our companies. Don't worry, we won't leave you alone in this process. You will receive coaching and support from us until you find your dream job.

What criteria do we use to select candidates?

Attitude: We don't pay attention to your background or experience. We are looking for people who are motivated, committed and enthusiastic to work in technical sales.

availability: You must be looking for a full-time job and be able to spend at least 3 hours a week looking for a job.

languages: At this stage, you must speak German at level C1 or above, as most of our hiring partners are based in Germany. (We are planning to expand to other countries soon). We also expect a certain level of English language skills (B2+).

Soft Skills: We're looking for specific soft skills (communication, resilience, curiosity, and problem-solving skills). We will evaluate them during our screening interview.

three women with headsets on each of them

Do you have any questions? We are here to help.

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please chat with our friendly team.

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