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From automotive salesman to team lead sales: Maxim's inspiring journey

From automotive salesman to team lead sales: Maxim's inspiring journey

Sometimes it takes courage and determination to deviate from your previous career path and take a more fulfilling path. In this success story, we share Maxim Pflüger's inspiring journey from training as an automotive salesman to his current success as Team Lead Sales at Tutum.

From retail to tech sales: Maxim's career

Maxim, born and raised in Hamburg, likes to do sports in his free time and is passionate about snorkeling in Egypt. He gained his first professional experience in the catering industry at the age of 14 and quickly realized that he enjoyed working with people. He therefore decided to train as an automotive salesman at BMW with the aim of becoming a car salesman.

Fun fact:

At the age of 16, Maxim spent a year abroad in San Antonio, Texas. There he came across a German sausage festival in a place called “Pflügerville” — a funny coincidence given his last name Pflüger.

He soon realized that both the automotive sector and corporate life did not meet his expectations. His path took him through the entire sales process at various companies — from Sales Representative to Sales & CRM Specialist and Business Development Executive to Team Lead Sales. Maxim was able to learn a lot from others, but he also taught himself a lot and gained valuable work experience.

“I mostly taught myself how to sell by doing.”

Maxim's experience with hyrise

Having just secured a position as Head of Sales at a young company, the company unfortunately had to close due to changes in government regulations on which the company was dependent. While looking for a new job, he was advised by a former colleague and recruiter to apply to hyrise.

Everything else went very quickly: He applied to hyrise, just 2 days later, appointments were made for him with partner companies and with Tutum It was right out of the box. The new position at Tutum It even covers the area of activity that he has already carried out in his previous position, and he is already very excited about starting his new job in February.

“hyrise has really cool people on board” 😎

Maxim emphasized the support he received from the hyrise team and how smooth and easy the application process was. The hyrise team was by his side right from the start and ensured that he felt comfortable and well looked after throughout the process.

Maxim's tip:

“I recommend that everyone approach their job search openly and impartially, regardless of previous experience.”

Maxim's story is an inspiring example of how an individual career can develop through a willingness to learn, flexibility and the ability to adapt to new circumstances. From his beginnings as an automotive salesman at BMW to his current success as Team Lead Sales at Tutum Maxim has come an impressive journey.

Through his openness to new experiences and his willingness to continuously develop, Maxim has held various positions in sales and has acquired valuable knowledge and skills in the process.

Maxim's story encourages others not only to follow paths that have already been mapped out, but also to have the courage to embark on new paths and face the challenges of life. Because it is often the unexpected twists and turns that lead to the greatest opportunities and open up new opportunities.

Maxim shows that success depends not only on a straightforward career, but rather on the willingness to adapt to new situations and use them as an opportunity to grow personally and professionally. 🌟

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