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How to use networking for a job — the challenge!

How to use networking for a job — the challenge!

Hello job seekers! Did you already know that? 🤯

Experts estimate that around 70% of jobs are not advertised at all - some estimate that up to 85% of jobs are filled through networking.

That is correct Most jobs are filled through personal contacts and networking. That's a huge percentage and shows the power of building relationships and networks in your industry.

So if you only rely on job ads and online applications, you could miss out on a large portion of job opportunities. It's time to get out there and network!

And don't worry, we've got some fun and effective strategies to build your network and land your dream job. So grab a coffee, take a deep breath, and let's get started!

💡 General networking tips

Here are a few tips specifically for networking when looking for a job.

  • Be a contributor - We want to join Linkedin groups or online communities that interest us or that fit our job, functions, or industry. Not only will it help us network, but it will also let us know what's going on.
  • Follow industry influencers - We want to identify and follow influencers online who regularly publish articles on industry-relevant topics. Twitter & LinkedIn are great for this. It will not only keep us up to date on current trends and issues, but it will also give us the opportunity to share our thoughts.
  • Create content and interact - Try to post regularly and interact with other people on LinkedIn.
  • Give to receive - What can we give the community that improves our personal brand?

We've prepared some challenges that will help you open some doors. Let's go! 🚀

Challenge 1 - Find and connect with experts

LinkedIn is a huge database of professionals looking for ways to collaborate. You have the opportunity to discover new professionals locally or internationally who can help you with your career aspirations. Think of recommendations, mentoring, tips, tricks & industry insights, connections, etc...

From now on, you'll be working on expanding your network. Your goal? Have at least 50 new relevant contacts in two weeks 🙂

🧠 Some ideas:

  • People with similar positions from companies like yours
  • Leaders, managers, etc. from companies you like
  • HR managers from companies that you like
  • Industry professionals
  • Colleges/universities, professors, etc...

Challenge 2 - Posting and sharing

Once you start expanding your network, you'll see your feed on LinkedIn showing you more and more high-quality content.

From now on, your weekly challenge is:

  • Like at least 10 posts from your feed.
  • Comment at least 3 contributions.
  • parts at least 1 contribution.

Don't just like everything, make sure it's relevant and fits your brand. Please read the post before commenting or sharing.

Challenge 3 - Find and follow companies

LinkedIn not only allows users to connect but also to follow companies. This feature gives us the chance to stay up to date with all the company's news. Sometimes it's the open position we've been waiting for!

Find and follow at least 10 companies on LinkedIn that you like.

💡 A little tip: As soon as you have a few companies in mind, LinkedIn will recommend similar sites to you.

Challenge 4 - Participate in relevant groups

A great way to meet and connect with new professionals is to join groups based on your interests or current job and get involved. Other group members might like what they want to see and connect with you.

Think about your new career interests and use the search bar to find related groups and ask to join.

Your goal is to join >10 LinkedIn groups (industry-specific).

⭐ It's as simple as that, a new LinkedIn influencer is born!

Jokes aside, we recommend that you keep this activity not only during your job search but also after you've been hired. Staying active on social networks is one of the best selling tools out there!

There you have it guys! Networking isn't just a buzzword or a business cliché — it's a powerful tool that can help you take your career to the next level. By building connections and relationships with people in your industry, you can gain valuable insights, access job opportunities, and even find mentors who can guide you along the way.

And the best thing about it? Networking doesn't have to be stiff or unpleasant. With the right mindset and approach, you can make real connections with people while having fun. So take some time to think about your networking goals and start putting these tips into action.

Who knows — your next job opportunity could be just a conversation away! Good luck and happy networking. 🚀

This item belongs to ultimate guide to securing your dream job in 2023! Join us on a journey of exploration and discovery, dive into the secrets of building and promoting an outstanding professional identity, master the art of creating a winning resume, LinkedIn profile, and networking strategy, and learn the best strategies for finding opportunities, mastering interviews and making the right career decisions.

Watch the full series here on! Keep an eye out for our next article, where we'll share some tips on how to not only find the job you want, but also set yourself apart from the competition!

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