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Find out why a tech sales position is exactly the right first job

Find out why a tech sales position is exactly the right first job

Have you just graduated and don't know what to do next? You're not alone!

Entering the job market can mean great uncertainty and stress. For many university graduates, it is difficult to find an interesting job right after graduation. Quite a few choose not to pursue a career in their field of study, but are still uncertain how to proceed.

Tech sales positions such as Business or Sales Development Representative (SDR) offer great salaries and interesting career opportunities. Tech sales has therefore been one of the most popular professional fields among university graduates for several years. Tech sales jobs are among the most sought after jobs on the market and are the perfect choice for university graduates who want to take a big first step in their career.

Find out why here.

1. Personal development

Tech Sales offers many opportunities for professional as well as personal development. Product knowledge, negotiation skills, social and communication skills, project management, time management, market analysis, problem solving, and even psychology are just some of the skills you'll develop in the demanding world of tech sales. You'll learn how to earn the trust of potential customers, whether they're individuals or companies. And you'll find creative ways to get them excited about your product.

Once you've mastered that, you'll gain experience getting someone to buy. There is nothing better than the thrill that this triggers. However, you will also fail occasionally. Learning how to deal with failure is also an important step in developing your career in tech sales. Many skills that you will acquire in tech sales will also be useful to you throughout your career.

2. In tech sales, there is never time for boredom

If you're looking for a boring nine-to-five job, you should look elsewhere. The world of tech sales is fun and fast-paced. You must innovate to reach customers in ever new ways and constantly question your methods.

You will perform many different tasks every day and take on many different roles. The path to successful sales starts with the initial contact by telephone or email, leads through exploratory meetings to qualify your potential customers and continues with subsequent support to persuade your customers to make a purchase. You make phone calls, conduct virtual meetings, update your CRM, work with colleagues and hopefully have the good feeling of having closed a sale and helped someone solve a problem.

3. It's worth it

If you're willing to work hard in tech sales, it will be hugely rewarding for you, both financially and personally. The average starting salary in tech sales in Germany is currently around 42,000€ per year. In addition, you can enjoy bonuses and perks, and the commission alone can double your annual salary. If you get a job at one of the big tech companies, you can earn a six-figure salary within three to four years!

However, you can forget the nine-to-five day, because as long as you achieve your goals, you can adjust your working hours to your personal plans (and to the schedule of your potential customers). You'll also enjoy the intrinsic reward because you know you're contributing to the success of your business and offering your customers something they really need.

4. Future job opportunities in tech sales are endless

Excellent employment opportunities in tech sales

The technology industry is growing exponentially, with thousands of new products and start-ups entering the market every year. Regardless of the industry and where you start your first job, you can work in any technology company with the skills you've acquired there.

Even when times get tough, you don't have to worry. Some departments may save costs, but no company can survive without a strong sales team. As long as you demonstrably achieve your goals, working in tech sales offers a secure job in the long term.

Are you now convinced that your first job after graduation should be in tech sales? At Hyrise Academy, we know that such a job is not only a challenge, but also worthwhile in many ways. Here at Hyrise, we're happy to help you start your career.

Do you want to start your career in tech sales? Apply here.

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