How Alkan, an entrepreneur, found his dream job in tech sales
Find out how and why an entrepreneur found his dream job in tech sales. Meet Alkan! - Hyrise experience
Before Hyrise
Alkan was born and grew up in Hanover. However, he has moved to Germany several times and currently lives in Berlin. One of his biggest passions is programming, and he has already created several websites... However, he says that his favorite hobby is “failure”! Alkan loves starting new projects and taking on new challenges. Whether he succeeds or fails is not so important to him, because he believes that the most important thing is to learn from these experiences. The lessons he learns from these experiences allow him to work on himself and improve every day.
That's what we call a good attitude!
Before joining Hyrise, Alkan worked as a “medical documentarian” in the pharmaceutical industry. But after working there for two years, he felt that he was missing something. He was starting to get bored. He began to consider what he was missing and quickly came to the conclusion that the problem was the lack of career development opportunities. So he decided to move to Hamburg and work at the headquarters of a pharmaceutical company, where he had numerous opportunities for professional development. Unfortunately, he still didn't feel fulfilled in his job.
“It wasn't about career opportunities... I missed human contact. And after the pandemic, the little contact I had was greatly reduced. I wasn't happy.”
Alkan decided to give entrepreneurship a chance. He had a good idea and that's how he started building his company. That was his first experience with the world of lead generation and acquisition.
“I really had a great product, but I was struggling a lot to get leads. I wrote long emails and reached out to anyone who might be interested in my product. But no one showed interest or responded. I didn't understand why, it didn't make sense. Who might not be interested in my product?”
To solve this problem, he began doing a lot of research and came across one of our ads. He then began to study the tech sales industry and the job more intensively and to understand what that actually is. He suddenly realized that he met all requirements.
“I was a bit skeptical at first because I had worked in sales before where the products were faulty, and I certainly didn't want to repeat that experience.”
After finding out more and talking to our team, he decided to pursue a career in tech sales. He joined Hyrise and gave his life a 180-degree turn.
Hyrise experience
His job search was quick and easy. He didn't have to send out cover letters or go through complex application processes. Right after he completed his profile on our platform, he conducted 10 different job interviews, during which companies got back to him directly. It took two weeks before he was hired and found his dream job as an SDR at Planday.
“I can't think of any other job that I enjoy as much as working in sales. You never know how the conversations are going to develop, every day is different and very dynamic. And that's what I love about sales: It never gets boring. I love being in touch with people and learning new things from their experiences. And the best thing is when I make a difference in someone's life.”
He particularly liked the transparency and support he received during and after his training.
“The flexibility you get during training is something I really appreciate. I was able to really focus on my workout when it best suited my schedule and that made me a lot more productive. It also taught me to be independent and responsible on a personal level.”
Alkan says that his experience in Hyrise has changed his worldview. Now he's trying to avoid words like “would” or “could” and instead says “can,” and this has hugely boosted his self-confidence and his way of managing his personal and professional life.
Tips for future hyrisers
“Never give up. You'll always fail at some point, but the most important thing is to learn from it and keep fighting for what you want.”
“Tech sales is a tough job, but it's very rewarding, and all the effort you put into it is worth it.”
Do you also want to start your career in tech sales and change your life? Apply here.